Sales Cloud

The digital playground for your future learning process.

Within in the Sales Cloud we represent the learning process digitally and therefore offer you unlimited possibilities for effective sales development. 

Digital learning journey
Change journey
Psychometric toolbox
White label sales cloud


Digital Learning Journey

Learning is an ongoing process. The combination of self-learning materials, such as e-learning courses, audio books and learning videos, as well as webinars and face-to face training, provide contemporary ways to support your employees in their ongoing learning process.

In addition, entrance tests, appraisals, and many other tools offer you the opportunity to adapt learning processes to the individual competence level and develop tailor-made learning paths for each individual. At VIAVENDO, it goes without saying that we adapt the content to your business case by, for example, presenting benefit arguments that are individually tailored to your products and services. Together with your salesforce they will constantly develop in learning processes.

Change Journey

In addition to learning processes, VIAVENDO also fully supports you digitally in change processes, strategy implementation or cultural development, such as providing survey results, workshop documentation, recordings of interviews and podcasts. These are just a few examples of how you can innovatively design your change communication. This increases the willingness of your employees to actively engage with change.


The VIAVENDO Sales Cloud provides you with a wide range of tools, such as tried-and-tested psychometric methods like profiling values and DISG or VIAVENDO developments based on scientific theories and over 20 years of experience. By using the tools strategically, you can make development and change measurable, visible and open to dialogue.


  • Sales Culture Compass (SCC)
  • Change commitment indicator
  • Sales development analyser
  • Comunication matrix


  • profiling values team report
  • Team & Leadership Explorer


  • profiling values report
  • Self-management profile
  • Basic Motive Profile (BMP)
  • persolog personality profile
  • Performance Analyser (SPA)
  • Team and Leadership Explorer (TLE)
  • Sales Culture Compass (SCC)

White Label
Sales Cloud

You would like to build your own Sales Cloud or expand your existing learning management system within your sales area? VIAVENDO is your partner for the technical and editorial implementation.

Ask us


Am Riedbach 3
87499 Wildpoldsried
Telefon: +49 8304 30 999 20


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Am Riedbach 3
87499 Wildpoldsried
Phone: +49 8304 30 999 20


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