create change together

Why is it important to see sales as a team? Your sales team has its finger on the pulse, every trend and every change in the market is noticeable. Why not use this potential directly? To your own advantage and thus help shape the market in an agile way?


Why can’t teams and leadership be separated from each other? Even if self-responsibility and self-control in sales are important criteria for success, leadership, coordination of communication and  control of change processes must be implemented as well.

VIAVENDO views management and team development as two topics which are interconnected and can not be separated. A manager is only as effective as the team is willing to follow the manager.

self-responsibility needs leadership

For VIVAVENDO management development is more than just building pure leaderships skills, it means shaping the relationship with each individual employee and the relationships between team members.

Therefore, VIAVENDO does not only focus on the training of pure team skills, but rather analyses and reflects on the individual team dynamics such as behavior patterns, rules, clarity of goals and communication structures in the team. Life and markets do not follow rigid plans.

Empower your team and managers to make the right decisions based on the current situation and to seize the opportunities of an ever faster changing environment. Develop your team into a resilient unit which emerges from each crises even stronger.

Shift happens

Besides building leadership sills VIAVENDO supports your managers in designing change processes and the leading of your sales team. Moreover, we enable your team to embrace change and to follow their strategy. Together with VIAVENDO you will create an environment for development and change. This is how you will become a shaper of the market with your salesforce.


Am Riedbach 3
87499 Wildpoldsried
Telefon: +49 8304 30 999 20


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Am Riedbach 3
87499 Wildpoldsried
Phone: +49 8304 30 999 20


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